- Niagara Wheatfield CSD
- Process Overview
Athletic Placement Process for Middle School Students
There is a New York State Education Department (NYSED) program that permits physically and emotionally appropriate students to try out for an athletic team that is outside of their grade placement. It is called the Athletic Placement Process. This program replaces the selection classification program that was previously in place. This process has been put in place for the exceptional young athlete. This process is for athletes who have the athletic ability to compete at the Junior Varsity and Varsity level.
This evaluation is a comprehensive evaluation of your child’s emotional and physical maturity (including height and weight: as well as athletic abilities, physical fitness, and sport specific athletic skill in relationship to other student athletes at that level.
Physical maturity is determined by the district medical director during the Sports Physical exam using the Tanner scale. Upon passing the medical clearance, the student may proceed to the physical fitness and skill assessment. Students must pass all levels to meet the requirements of the APP.
If your child successfully meet the requirements of the APP, he/she will be allowed to try out for the competitive high school athletics during 7th and/or 8th grade)(s). Under normal circumstances, a student is eligible for senior high athletic competition in a sport for only four consecutive seasons, beginning with the student’s entry into the ninth grade. However, by meeting the Athletic Placement Process requirements established by the NYSED, your child’s eligibility can be extended to permit;
1) Participation during five consecutive seasons in the approved sport after entry into the eighth grade; or
2) Participation during six consecutive seasons in the approved sport after entry into the seventh grade
It is important for you and your child to understand that, once the APP requirements are met and they have passed the test they are ONLY allowed to tryout for the respective team. It DOES NOT guarantee that they will be selected for the team. Also, if he/she is selected for the team they cannot return to a lower level team in that sport in that season. Remember, at the higher level of play your child will be exposed to the social atmosphere that is common among older students in a high school environment. Therefore, it is important to take into account your child’s ability to handle the additional demands.