- Niagara Wheatfield CSD
- Step by Step Guide
Step By Step Guide For APP
1. Student contacts their Physical Education Teacher regarding their interest in taking the Athletic Placement testing. Each season will have a deadline for this step.
2. Physical Education teachers submit the students names that they are recommending for the testing
3. The athletic director reviews names by checking their academics, behavior and social skills.
4. Student is called down and picks up packet of forms with information from the the ETMS Physical Education Teacher
2. Parents read page “A” (Invitation to Test Letter) and signs page “B” (permission form). (See sample forms)
3. Student and parent review test instructions, required scores and tanner score information (see tanner, physical fitness test instructions and physical fitness required scores)
3. Parent and Athlete attend Mandatory Sports Meeting for respective season
4. Student returns permission slip on or before day of physical
5. Student attends make up physical date for respective season - which MUST BE DONE by the NW sports doctor.
- Tanner score must meet required standards or THE PROCESS STOPS HERE
6. Skill evaluation is completed by:
The coach for the level and sport in which the student plans to try out.
A ETMS physical education teacher who is knowledgeable of the student’s skill and fitness level.
7. Student attends the physical fitness portion of the APP test. The initial test is only offered one day per season. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Student must come dressed appropriately (sneakers and gym wear). If doing swim portion they must bring swimsuit and towel.
-If student does not come prepared or does not show up for the test THE PROCESS STOPS HERE
8. Test results are reviewed. A list is sent out to the coaches indicating the students who have passed and are eligible for tryouts.