• PBIS Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports


    Errick Road Elementary School



    Our Mission

    As a PBIS team working in collaboration with the Errick Road community, we will  proactively foster a positive, safe learning environment that teaches the necessary skills for social, emotional, and academic success. 




    A concerted effort was made to establish a consistent social culture and common language schoolwide, through the application of 3 common behavior expectations. These expectations are referred to as The 3Ws: We are Safe, We are Respectful, We are Responsible. 

    Throughout the school day, expectations, such as being respectful, responsible, and safe, are taught and reinforced with our students. Students are frequently acknowledged when they demonstrate these desired behaviors. 


    Acknowledgement System 

    • Falcon Cash: Students observed demonstrating any of the 3Ws  

    receive positive praise and have the opportunity to receive cash from building staff/faculty. This cash can be used for “purchases” at the ER Mart. 

    • The ER Mart is open during the school day. Students have the  opportunity to go to the market and “purchase” items and/or  

    experiences (share a joke on morning announcements, lunch with a counselor, homework pass, etc.). 

    • On the Bus and in the Cafeteria: Students observed demonstrating  any of The 3Ws on the bus or in the cafeteria receive positive praise. They also have the opportunity to receive Falcon Cash from bus drivers and cafeteria staff. Cafeteria staff also award a class on a weekly basis who demonstrate The 3W’s the best in their grade.

    • School-wide Celebrations: Throughout the school year, the Tier 1 Team reviews discipline data to determine school wide goals. Once we meet our goals as a school, all of our students have the opportunity to participate in our school wide celebrations. Celebrations have included spirit days, dances, and assemblies. 

    • Fabulous Falcon: Students that consistently demonstrate The 3Ws are nominated by their peers and/or teachers. Students are announced on the morning announcements with a brief description of why they were nominated. At an assembly, they are recognized. They also receive a certificate. 


    Tier 1 Team

    The Tier 1 team establishes the systems  

    and practices for Tier 1 behavior and  

    academic support. This team is  

    responsible for monitoring school-wide  

    data, ensuring students receive equitable  

    access to these supports, and for 

    evaluating the overall effectiveness. 


    Tier 2 Team 

    This team establishes systems and  

    Criteria for students receiving Tier 2 

    support. Team members ensure that  

    Students receive timely access to tier 2  

    Interventions, overseeing implementation,  

    And regularly use data to monitor students  

    Progress, evaluate the program's overall  

    Outcomes, and determine next steps. 

    Support from Home 

    We are asking caregivers to continue this acknowledgment with their child(ren) at home.  Praise your child each time you catch them demonstrating any of the 3Ws. Using this common language both in school and at home, will increase the occurrence of positive behavior being demonstrated by your child in all their settings.